Yandere Simulator skins inspired by Catra from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power on Netflix.

Overall, there isn’t much new content in this build, but that’s because I was spending all of my time on Osana/Raibaru. I’ve uploaded a new build of the game containing this new feature, along with a bunch of bug fixes. Even though it’s not horror-themed, Yandere Simulator has a new minigame today. All indications point to the likelihood that once it's done, it will be a real hit.

It has an enormous amount of content and really nice graphics. Yandere Simulator is a stealth game that's surprisingly good despite being in such an early stage of development.

4 Yuna Simulator By FunntimeSpringBonnie (MeiRio) 5 Yanderetuber-Mod By:MokaYEvans 6 Demonic Yandere-Chan + Killable Senpai Mod By:Zand53 7 Dere Mod By RainbowDiamond123 (Updated) 8 Delinquents Mod by : Lana Rose 9 Dere Mod By RainbowDiamond12 1 Yandere Simulator HARD MOD 2 Horuda Puresu Simulator by Ayumi Hinata 3 Little Mod by KawaiCats. Hey guys,i'm workingon a mod,and i need a boy shirtless uniform texture leave the texture link in the comments. Hey guys,i'm working in a mod,on octomber 16th 2016 build,i used kgftbz pose mod,it didn't work,does any of you guys have the old kgftbz's pose mod,if you do,send me a link to download it. Note: This mod contains crude or foul language. Everything in this mod is guaranteed to be 100% shit. Welcome to the shittiest Yandere Simulator mod on the internet! Almost all text and graphics have been replaced with memes, jokes, and random nonsense to maximize your shitpost experience. 1 Rivals Mod By KawaiCats & Xhurtbethink 2.0 1.1 Credits to:Edit 1.2 Added 2 The Real Rival-chan in the school by Lana Rose 3 Rivals Mod By KawaiCats & Xhurtbethink 4 Rivals Mod By Mr Karismatic 5 Rivals Mod By: Lana Rose 6 Rivals. This is a page for all rival mods made for Yandere Simulator.